Aquarium Fish Gallery 4

Here you can join species that require huge aquariums, between 1000 and 8000 liters, the bigger the better! All deserve high water maintenance since they all produce lots of waste. Far from being a beginner fish!!! If you would like to keep some of these fishes, please do a huge research before purchasing it. Join responsible fish-keeping :-) !!!


Giant Gourami

Osphronemus goramy
Gouramis live in shallow weed-choked pools, where oxygen is sometimes in short supply. Being able to breathe mouthfuls of air is very useful in these conditions. They feed on the weed itself and almost anything that lives amongst it like fish, frogs, etc.
The males are usually aggressive towards each other. They may engage in violent fights as seen in Siamese Fighting Fish, or highly ritualised aggression, with the so-called 'kiss' of a Kissing Gourami.
When Gourami's are ready to breed, they build a nest of plants at the surface of the water suspended with bubbles. The eggs are guided in, then after about two weeks the fry leave the nest.
Giant Gourami originate from Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand. They reach the size of about 70cm.
Photos by Dusko Bojic.