Aquarium Fish Gallery 4

Here you can join species that require huge aquariums, between 1000 and 8000 liters, the bigger the better! All deserve high water maintenance since they all produce lots of waste. Far from being a beginner fish!!! If you would like to keep some of these fishes, please do a huge research before purchasing it. Join responsible fish-keeping :-) !!!


Red-bellied Piranha

Pygocentrus nattereri
This fresh-water carnivore have the reputation of being one of the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. Their short jaws certainly are very powerful and lined with razor sharp teeth, well able to take a chunk of flesh out of much larger fish. As their name suggests they have a reddish tinge to the belly. They grow to a maximum of 33 cm and a weight of 3.5 kg.
These fish form big shoals. They predominantly eat other fish but myth suggests they will attack any creature, whatever the size, if it is injured or struggling in the water.
These fish have a very good sense of hearing, using a special line of sensors down the sides of the their bodies, called the lateral line system. This enables them to find struggling prey in murky water.
Piranha originate from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Photos by Dusko Bojic.