Aquarium Fish Gallery 4

Here you can join species that require huge aquariums, between 1000 and 8000 liters, the bigger the better! All deserve high water maintenance since they all produce lots of waste. Far from being a beginner fish!!! If you would like to keep some of these fishes, please do a huge research before purchasing it. Join responsible fish-keeping :-) !!!


Giraffe Catfish

Auchenoglanis occidentalis
Found inhabiting swamps, ponds and ditches. They feed on insect larvae, earth worms, shrimps and small fish and can grow up to 45cm in length.
It is not to be trusted with smaller fish. In captivity to be fed with prepared catfish food and live food.
The distinctive brown-white pattering of this catfish resembles that of a giraffe. The Giraffe Catfish is active during the day when it searches the substrate for edible items. It requires a fine floor covering, bog-wood for retreats and over 2000 liter tank.
Photo by Dusko Bojic.