Aquarium Fish Gallery 4

Here you can join species that require huge aquariums, between 1000 and 8000 liters, the bigger the better! All deserve high water maintenance since they all produce lots of waste. Far from being a beginner fish!!! If you would like to keep some of these fishes, please do a huge research before purchasing it. Join responsible fish-keeping :-) !!!


Jaguar Cichlid

Cichlasoma managuense also known as Managua Cichlid.
This Central American cichlid grows to 55 cm. Single specimen needs to be kept in at least 500 liter tank. If kept with other community cichlids of similar size a 1000 liter is a minimum.
In the wild, the Jaguar cichlid is a skilled predator that feeds readily on fish and big invertebrates. Soft rayed fish is preferred, but the Jaguar cichlid is not fuzzy about its food. It will appreciate live food in the aquarium, but training it onto pellets is not difficult. Choose a high quality pellet that has been made to meet the nutritional needs of larger predator fish. If you do not produce your own live food, you should keep in mind that feeder fish from pet stores might introduce disease in the aquarium. Many Jaguar cichlid keepers therefore feed their Jaguar cichlids fish meat instead. Earthworms and krill are two other good choices.
Jaguar cichlid will prefer a pH between 7.0 and 8.7 . The recommended dH range is 10-15. The water temperature must be quite high in the aquarium, 25 - 36' C.
Photo by Dusko Bojic.